Page 9 - RoyalSchoolCavan Prospectus 2024 FULL
P. 9
Transition Year Programme (Compulsory)
Transition Year has been in existence in our school since 1994. The programme is compulsory and focuses
on four main areas:
• Continuation of the core subjects
• Subject sampling for the Leaving Certificate programme
• TY specific modules and subjects
• Once off calendar events
To maintain an effectively pupil-centred TY Programme with maximum whole school and community
involvement. Each student should continue to develop academically, socially, and personally and at the
end of their TY each student will have developed all the skills necessary to successfully complete their
Senior Cycle.
Within our school the core subjects of English, Irish and Maths are continued with three class periods
per week. All students continue to study French and sample Leaving Certificate subjects. We provide TY
specific modules. The modules include Coding, Product Design & Development, Design Communications
and Graphics (DCG), Media, Climate Literacy, Sports Coaching, Photography, Art, and Cookery.
Subjects specific to TY students are also provided; these include Career Guidance, Young Social Innovators
(YSI), Global Schools, Agriculture/Horticulture, S.P.H.E, Mini Company, World Religions, Driving Theory
and Computers. Also, within our timetable we have an activity block where students get the opportunity
to try a wide variety of sporting activities.