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For our launch 120 students listened to Jamie Harrington
       and Jodie from Teenline. We visited local primary schools                 Tea & Muffin Morning
       and taught them about basic banking. The senior Council
       came in and we helped set up their internet banking.
       Our digital officer developed an app, website and secret
       We wrote and produced a catchy bank song which our
       school choir sung.  
       We opened 56 accounts and lodged €42,776.72

       We reached 85% of our target market which was primarily
       the 1st years.

       Most importantly, we left a lasting legacy within our
       school by reducing the stigma surrounding mental health
       issues and marked this by framing a Teenline t-shirt with
       our logo so we will be remembered.
       On March 14  we went to the Regional Finals in the
       Hillgrove in Monaghan. We spent a lot of time creating
       our poster and display for this day. This was our chance to
       show the judges what a successful bank we had opened in
       our school, and the different initiatives we put in place for
       students to open accounts and to save with us regularly.
       Our hard work was rewarded. After being interviewed by
       the judges we were chosen in the top 8 to go through to
       the National Finals in the RDS at the end of April.
       This is the first time our school has qualified for the
       National Finals and the first time AIB Cavan Branch has        The Regionals
       ever had a school bank in the finals.

       And yet our work doesn’t stop. We continue to open Team
       P.E.A.C.H. Trust Bank every week.

       We continue to raise awareness every week of teenage
       mental health. As a final fundraiser we have decided to
       host  A SleepOut in the school courtyard in aid of Focus
       Ireland and SOSAD Cavan.                           Team members with Colm Cooper on of the Judges  Our Display for
                                                                                                   The Regional Finals
       We want students to understand the conditions that   Team P.E.A.C.H  onstage recieving their award at The Regional Finals
       homeless people experience every night on the cold
       streets. We hope that students will appreciate how difficult
       living on the streets is and have an awareness of the plight
       of homeless people.

            The Royal Times 2016-2017                                                                            11
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