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Trip to Glasnevin Cemetery

                                              The form 5 and form 6 history classes went on a trip to Glasnevin Cemetery
                                              on the 23rd March. When we arrived we got to look around the museum for
                                              some general information about the cemetery. We then met our tour guide
                                              who, firstly, took us to Daniel O Connell’s tomb. He was a very influential figure
                                              from Irish history and he also founded the cemetery. We even got to touch his
                                              coffin for good luck!

                                              We then visited the grave sites of the people who we have studied from Irish
                                              history such as Eamon de Valera, Arthur Griffith, Countess Markievicz, Charles
                                              Stuart  Parnell, James  Larkin and Michael Collins.  Michael Collins’s grave is
                                              the most famous in Glasnevin Cemetery and is the most visited and for this
                                              purpose, the museum was built next to his grave. Our tour guide was lovely and
                                              was very informative.
                                              Afterwards we went for lunch in Blanchardstown Shopping Centre to finish off
                                              our outing. It was a very interesting and beneficial trip for us. Thank you to Miss
                                              Trenier and to Miss Reilly for taking us on this trip.

                                                              By Abigael Pierce and Emma Graham

      14                                                                              The Royal Times 2014-2015
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