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Age Action Campaign

          For the last Two years our school has taken place in the Age action campaign to keep
          old people in Ireland warm at winter. We help to make this possible by knitting little
          hats which will then be ‘worn’ by Innocent Smoothie bottles and sold nationwide in
          November 2011.

          Last year the nation got knitting for the Innocent Big Knit Campaign. A whopping
          80,000 little hats were knit by generous people all over Ireland, raising €20,000 and
          much needed awareness for Age Action Ireland.

          The funds were put to great use to ensure that older people in Ireland stayed well and
          warm. I am glad my school could help and overall my class made 67 hats. For most people
          it was their first time to knit so as well as helping it was a learning experience also.
          We look forward to taking part next year.
                                                                           By Vicky Waller

                                           Samaritans Purse

                                     In November  the 5th  year R.E.  class along  with some
                                     Transition Years pupils and some 1st years took part in the
                                     Samaritans Purse where we made up shoe boxes for the
                                     poor children in different parts of the world. It is a cause
                                     that has been supported for a number of years.
                                     We made up different shoe boxes for boys and girls of
                                     different age groups putting in different types of things
                                    from toys to toiletries, colouring pencils to paper. We
                                    then wrapped the boxes with Christmas wrapping
                                    paper. Everyone got involved and made up their own
                                    individual boxes. It was a nice thing to do for children
                                    who are less well off than ourselves and will not be
                                    getting anything else at Christmas.

            The Royal Times 2011-2012                                                                            15
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