Page 14 - royal-times-11-12
P. 14

Art History Trip

            The Art History classes form 6 and form 5 both went on an art history

            trip to Newgrange and also the National museum Dublin as part of
            the Art history curriculum.

            In Newgrange we were able to view the ancient artefacts in
            first hand, the most impressive piece of art in my opinion being
            kerbstone 52, due to its hugely detailed decoration, and the amount
            of skill that was involved making it. After Newgrange we visited the
            National Museum Dublin. This is there all the Stone Age, Bronze
            Age, metal  work, and  early Christian Ireland  artefacts  were kept.
            As we have studied these it was nice to go and see them. Some of
                                         the artefacts were smaller or larger

                                         than expected or seen in the books.
                                         The cross of Cong caught my eye
                                         the most, the precious jewels and
                                         metals carefully and beautifully
                                         designed were amazing to see. The
                                         trip was very beneficial.

                                                           Josh Power Disney

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