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All the students gathered there and awaited a plaque to be revealed
           alongside the sculpture. Mr Lindsay welcomed our multiple guests
           and the pupils then gave an introduction to the event. Miss Burns then
           spoke about the making of the piece. As art pupils Claire Turner and
           I (Keziah Mahiya) were chosen to make the speech about the great
           production of the sculpture and the idea behind it all.  We were both
           very nervous speaking in front of an audience, although most of them
           were our friends.  We plucked up the courage and spoke thoroughly
           about the process of producing the final piece. Lastly, Minister for
           Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys TD contrived
           the unveiling speech and publicly presented the sculpture to the
           community and the school.
           This was a memorable moment for the Art class, the  TY students
           (2014-2015) and the school to have had the opportunity to present
           a modern, unique piece of art that has great meaning instilled within
           it. Peace.

                         All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad (AILO)

               I have to admit that the linguistics competition was a
               challenging experience that I really enjoyed. It made me
               push myself and also helped me in several other ways. For
               example I was able to discover languages that I didn’t even
               know existed and then make logical sense of them. It was
               a fun experience that aided me with my school subjects,
               for example, the challenge that is higher maths. I would
               encourage anyone who enjoys challenging themselves
               to give it a go. Making it to the all Ireland’s final is a huge
               achievement in itself.

                                           Esther Olujitan

                              Congratulations to Esther Olujitan & Aleksandr Gusev
                                    Who qualified for the National Finals of AILO

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