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A Note from our School Chaplain

                                                        2012 marks the centenary of Scott’s
                                                        expedition to the South Pole. Although they
                                                        were unsuccessful in attempt to be the first to
                                                        get there- they was pipped at the post by the
                                                        Norwegian, Amundson- and they perished
                                                        on their return journey, Scott and his team
                                                        will always be remembered.  Two of them
                                                        stand out in my mind. First Captain Oates,
                                                        who was badly  frostbitten,  realised  that he
                                                        was a burden on the rest and walked out of
                                                        the tent to certain death. It was an act of great
                        courage, captured in a well-known painting entitled ‘A very gallant gentleman’.
                        Secondly, Henry ‘Birdy’ Bowers was in charge of stores and earned the respect
                        and affection of all the expedition because of his reliability and good humour,
                        but above all because of his kindness. Nothing was too much trouble to him; he
                        always put the interests of others before his own.
                        Courage and kindness, two characteristics that recall the life of Jesus and which
                        are so badly needed in a world that is often selfish and lacking integrity. As a little
                        poem puts it,

                                              ‘Life if mostly froth an bubbles,
                                              but two things stand like stone;
                                               kindness in another’s troubles,
                                                   courage in our own,’
                                May God grant us courage and kindness for the journey ahead.

                                                                  By Canon Mark Lidwell.

      6                                                                               The Royal Times 2011-2012
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