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The Royal Times Cover

                          My name is Tessa Maree Low, and I came to Ireland as a transfer student from New
                          Zealand. I am currently enrolled as a 5th year pupil at The Royal School Cavan.
                          When I first heard about the competition to design the year book cover for 2013-2014,
                          I thought; why not give it a go? I have a growing passion for creative use of materials,
                          and from there, I channelled all my creativity into producing an eye-catching and
                          symbolic year book cover which represents The Royal School Cavan.
                          After hours of planning, mock-ups, and a countless number of ‘trial and error’, I was
                          finally able to fixate myself on one design, and settled in creating the year book cover
                          like a ‘Monopoly’ board. I chose to incorporate a ‘Royal School’ twist on the classic
                          board game to further orchestrate the identity of our school. I still kept the familiar
                          attributes of the board game, but substituted relevant aspects of The Royal School
                          Cavan which reflect our school community.

                          The significance of the game board represents the highs, lows, challenges and
                          obstacles  in  which  we  face  throughout  our  journey  at  school.  It  also  reflects  the
                          community within our school and marks some of the memorable events, such as
                          sports day and baking/decorating cupcakes for Daffodil Day, to the more academic
                          aspect of school, such as exams and study.
                          The game board represents some of the enjoyable times, and also some of the not
                          so enjoyable times that we are most likely come across in our 6 years in secondary
                          school. It also symbolizes the steps to success and the idea of preparing for the future.
                          I feel that the Monopoly themed design gives people a taste of what goes on behind
                          the walls of our school and allows people to have a sneak peek at what The Royal
                          School Cavan has to offer.


                                                Royal School cavan

                                 College St., Cavan. Ireland.  T: +353 49 4361605  F: +353 49 4361636
                                     W:  E:

                                                           follow us on twitter @rscavan
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